Master Saumik
Yoga Instructor
Specialty Classes
Born and bred in Calcutta, India, Master Saumik kicked off his interest in Yoga at the age of 5 and have been teaching for over 20 years. He has studied all the aspects of Yoga from the psychological behaviour to the anatomy and physiological functions. “It is very important to understand the human mind and the human body – its limitations and capabilities, only then can we understand our own body movements.” Master Saumik specialises in delivering philosophy in a fun and inspiring way. He has an anatomy background in Functional Anatomy – studies of the human bones and its capabilities, and has completed extensive traditional yoga studies over his course of practice.
Master Saumik’s classes are playful but challenging – ensuring you dig deep into all parts of yourself, inspiring you to be your best. He will take you on a powerful and transformational journey. Master Saumik’s teachings blend pre and post-classical yoga philosophies with traditional Hatha, contemporary Vinyasa and Yin Yoga methodologies, influencing their evolution in Singapore. Today, Master Saumik is the proud founder of Real Yoga, which is also successfully operating in Indonesia and India. Together with an amazing team, he runs an authentic, modern and visionary business that touches and transforms the lives of thousands of people each week
To his team, Master Saumik is loved and respected for creating an amazing community, inspiring studios, awesome retreats and powerful teacher trainings. He has a unique ability to maintain close relationships with all of the Real Yoga crew while simultaneously performing the roles of leader, teacher, coach, friend and CEO. Those who spend time with Master Saumik quickly realise the depth of his knowledge, the extent of his practice and – most importantly – that he is driven by a genuine desire for the wellbeing of others and the ability of yoga to positively transform lives.
He spends his time travelling and teaching between the studios and delivering teacher trainings and retreats in Indonesia, Thailand, Leh Ladakh and around the globe. We highly suggest checking out his classes and trainings: they are amazing – but get in early as they are usually packed!
Specialty Classes
What I Love About Teaching Yoga
My Favourite Quote
My Favourite Asana
When I'm not on the mat
When my student leave their class, I hope they feel